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Monthly Archives: April 2011

Excursie pe Cheile Dambovicioarei

Te-ai intrebat vreodata atunci cand vezi o furnica pe langa tine, ce simte ea cand te vede? Crezi oare ca se inspaimanta de statura ta?

Cheile Dambovicioarei

Daca vrei sa vezi cat de mic esti in comparatie cu lumea in care traiesti n-am decat sa iti recomand Cheile Dambovicioarei situata pe Culoarul Rucar Bran, facand parte din rezervatia naturala Piatra Craiului. Este un loc minunat pentru iubitorii de natura, aici se reunesc foarte multe din pasiunile omului: drumetii, speologie, birdwatching sau daca pur si simplu vrei sa te relaxezi aici este locul potrivit de a scapa de viata cotidiana, de zgomotul oraselor, de haosul modern,relaxandu-te intr-o camera inchiriata intr-una din pensiunile Branului.

Imi aduc aminte cand am fost prima oara prin aceste locuri, am ramas uimit de frumusetea locului, de statura impozanta a stancilor si am ramas mut de uimire cum un rau de 1-2 metri latime a putut sa modeleze calcarul intr-un peisaj unic in lume. Aveam vreo 16 ani cand am plecat in excursie cu clasa din liceu, in momentul in care am ajuns pe chei toti eram lipiti de geam si din toata galagia ce era in autocar s-a auzit dintr-o data o singura afirmatie “Oahh”.

A fost dragoste la prima vedere pentru toti, de la intrarea pe Chei aveai impresia ca ai intrat in intr-o pestera ce nu se mai termina, peretii sunt foarte apropiati, sa zic cam 10-15 metri si au o pozitie pe diagonala. Soferul autocarului inchiriat mergea incet, fie vroia sa ne lase sa admiram peisajul, fie era mai speriat ca si noi ca nu cumva sa pice o stanca de sus, dar dupa vreo 3 kilometri am ajuns la destinatie, si anume la Pestera Dambovicioara.

Cheile Dambovicioarei Cheile Dambovicioarei

Luam un ghid, ne impartim in 2 grupe si intram, cred ca avea vreo 14 ani si de abia iesise de la scoala generala, dar vorbea atat de Cheile Dambovicioarei deschis despre pestera ca ne-a captivat atentia la toti, mai ales cand a inceput sa ne povesteasca istoria pesterei, ca in trecut a fost locuita de haiduci, dupa aceea de un calugar. A urmat atractia principala a pesterii si anume formatiunile geologice care dupa spusele ghidului seamana cu o laba de urs, aripa de acvila, piele de tigru, etc. Dar sincer m-am simtit ca la psiholog, ca la testul Rorschach, cand iti pune in fata o foaie murdarita cu cerneala, fiecare vedea ce vroia, imaginatia e la ea acasa.

Si am plecat de la pestera, obositi de la atata drum, ajungand la pensiunea unde urma sa ne cazam. Gazdele ne-au intampinat tipic romanesc, nu cu covorul rosu ci cu paine si sare. Ca sa mearga si mai bine domnul de la pensiune ne-a dat la fiecare cate un paharel de tuica de pruna, putina ca inca eram minor J.

A venit si timpul sa mancam, ce se putea altceva decat sarmalute si o friptura de porc si ca sa intre bine sa nu inecam  un vin rosu de casa, ca desert un cozonac ataaat de bun, cred ca de aici si numele pensiunii “Mama Cozonacilor”.

Cheile Dambovicioarei

Cheile Dambovicioarei

A doua zi a fost una trista pentru a trebuit sa plecam, am mai stat prin curte, avand un teren de fotbal, pastraverie, fazani dar cum spune si zica “omu mai vine, dar mai si pleaca” am hotarat ca e timpul sa ne indreptam spre casa.

Este o excursie care merita fiecare clipa, ai vrea sa nu se mai termine, sa ramai pe meleagurile acestea pitoresti o viata, plini de oameni buni si caldurosi.

Fie ca esti turist roman si mergi cu masina personala, fie ca esti turist strain si alegi sa inchiriezi o masina, Cheile Dambovicioarei este o destinatie pe care nu ai vrea sa o ratezi. Ca si cai de acces e ok daca alegi sa mergi Bucuresti – Targoviste dar de aici inainte lucrurile nu stau prea roz, asa ca pregateste-te de gropi, praf, mers incet, pentru cei din Bucuresti e doar o zi normala J. Ca si un itinerariu ce il recomand daca ar fi dupa mine ar fi Bucuresti – Targoviste – Cheile Damboviciorei – Rucar – Bran – Brasov – Busteni – Sinaia – Bucuresti, si astfel ai acoperit o zona turistica frumoasa de la noi din tara, si apoi raman multe altele de descoperit.

Iar o harta a haiducilor te va duce direct la destinatie.

Cheile Dambovicioarei

Si nu uita Romania “Land Of Choice” !

Dambovicioara Keys Trip

Have you ever wonder when a ant it’s right next to you, what she fells like? Do you think that she is afraid by your stature?Damvovicioara’s Keys trip

If you want to know how small you are in comparison to the world you live in, you certantly must check you Damvovicioara’s Keys on Rucar – Bran lane, it’s included on the natural reservation Piatra Craiului. It’s a woderfull place for nature lovers, here reunites many of man passions like hiking, cave exploration, birdwatching or if you want to relax this is the perfect place to excape the daily routine, the noises of the big town’s, the modern chaos, yourself relaxing in a rented room in one of the Bran Pensions.

I remember when I was for the first time in this part of the country, amazed by the beauty, by the imposing stature of the cliffs, astonished how a river of only 1-2 m wide can create a natural wonder unique in the world. I was only 16 years old wen I went on a roadtrip with my highschool class, and when we arrived everybody was sticked to the window of the bus and from all the noise and screams there was only one exclamation in a choir that sounded like “Oahh”.

It was love at first site for everybody, the entrance of the keys looked like a entrance of a big cave that has no end, the walls are closed to each other between 30 – 50 feet and has a diagonal position.

We  rent a bus from EuroCars and the bus driver was going slowly, leaving us to admire the view or he has more scared than us that a rock from above would drop on the bus, but after almost 3 km we’ve reached your destination, Dambovicioara’s Cave. We take a guide, split in 2 groups and we enter, I think he was almost 14 years old and he just ended elementary school, but he talked so openlly about the cave so he captured our attention, especially when he started talking about the history of it, that in the past it was lived by outlaws, afterward by a monk. It followed the main atraction, the geological fornations of the cave, that acording to the guide looked like a bears paw, a wing of an eagle, a tigre’s fur. But onestlly I felt like a was at a psychiatrist, the Rorschach test, wen he puts in the front of you a piece of paper smuged with ink, and he asks you what do you see, everybody saw what they want, imagination has no limits.

Damvovicioara’s KeysDamvovicioara’s Keys

And we left the cave, tired from all that traveling, we arived at de hostel were we met our accommodations. The host encountered us typical romanian, not with the red carpet but with bread and salt. And to go all well, the host gave us each a glass of plum brandy, a little because we were minors.

The time to eat has arived, what can be more good than cabbage filled with meat, a steak of pork, and to go even better and not to choke, a home made wine, for desert a so so so good sponge cake, I think so the name of the pension “Mama Cozonacilor”

Damvovicioara’s KeysDamvovicioara’s Keys

The second day, was a sad day because we left, we sat around a little longer in the court yard, they had a football field (european football J), trouts, pheasants, but how the word goes “A traveler comes, a traveler goes”, it was time to go home.

It’s a road trip that worths every moment, you wish that this dream will never end, and stay here on these picturesque lands a life time, filled by good and worm people.

Even if you are a local tourist with your personal car, or if you’re a foreign one and you chose to rent a car, Damboviciora’s Keys it’s a destination that you don’t want to miss. What can I say about the acces roads, it’s ok to go from Bucharest to Targoviste, but after this the road isn’t very good, so prepare for holes, dust, slowly driving, but for a local from Bucharest it’s just an ordinary day J. For an itinerary I recommend Bucuresti – Targoviste – Cheile Damboviciorei – Rucar – Bran – Brasov – Busteni – Sinaia – Bucuresti, so you covered a beautifull touristic area in our country, but are many more for you to discover.

And a map of the outlaws will take you directly to the destination.

Damvovicioara’s Keys

Don’t forget Romania “Land Of Choice”!