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Cea mai frumoasa luna din an

Salutare dragilor,

Cea mai frumoasa perioada din an este aici! Este Decembrie, este luna cadourilor, este cea mai asteptata perioada!


Am senzatia ca este si luna in care se lucreaza cel mai putin, multe libere, ca deh, Craciun, Revelion…

Perioada aia din an cand parca mai pui frana, te mai gandesti si la tine, la ai tai. Perioada aia cand petreci mai mult timp cu familia, si timpul nu se mai rostogoleste si ai senzatia ca-ti mai trebuie inca 1an sa-ti rezolvi death line-urile.

E o luna cu pilde, as zice eu…

O luna pentru suflet si familie, pentru relaxare, voie buna, cadouri muuulte, zambetesi imbratisari, ciocolata calda la gura sobei, plimbari lungi…

O luna sa-ti tragi sufletul dupa alte 11 luni de nebunie si eventul sa-ti incarci bateriile pentru cel care bate la usa, 2018.

Personal, pentru mine, Craciunul in deosebi are o insemnatate aparte, imi evoca copilaria si inca pastrez in nari, mirosul ala de portocola(pe care o primeam doar de Craciun si era sarbatoare) si scortisoara…senzatia de familie, de casa unita, de dragoste sunt tare bine inradacinate si de-alungul vremii exacta asta am cautat sa mentin si in casa mea.


Iubesc perioada asta, imi da o stare de bine, de speranta, de bucurie si voie buna si parca toate lucrurile negative se mai sting in fata bradului impodobit. Sa nu uitam si de colinde, care sunt parte importanta din peisaj si contribuie la acest tablou absolut minunat.

Sa fie intr-un ceas bun, cum am zice…


Sa va fie Sarbatorile asa cum le doriti si cum le simtiti, cu ai vostri prin preajma, cu bradut impodobit frumos si cadouri fel de fel, cu copiii si animalutele de companie langa, cu casa curata si masa imbelsugata, cu ganduri bune si pline de pozitivism pentru anul ce vine repede peste noi.

Sa aveti Sarbatori frumoase si tihnite!

Merry Christmas  and A Happy New Year!


Stay connected! 😀

Bran Castle – Just a legend or…

Bran Castle, situated between the Bucegi and Piatra Craiului Mountains, 30 km far from Brasov, is the only touristic point that attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists because of a legend: Count Dracula’s Legend, although the historical sources state that Vlad Tepes (Vlad the Impaler) dropped by only once, in his way to Brasov.


Initially, the Bran Castle (in Slavic „brana” means „gate”) was a stronghold known asDietrichstein, built by the Teutonic Knights in 1212, stronghold that was conquered by the Saxons living in Transylvania towards the end of the 13th century.

The first documentary attestation dates from 1377, when Ludovic I D’Anjou gave the inhabitants of Brasov the privilege to build the citadel in the place of the old stronghold.

Then, between 1419 and 1424, it was in Sigismund’s possession.

At the end of the 15th century, it was subordinated to the authority of the Szeklers Committee, and since the reign of Iancu of Hunedoara, it passed under the rule of the Voivode of Transylvania.

On 1st December 1920, the Bran Castle was donated to Queen Marie of Great Romania, as a symbol of the inhabitants of Brasov’s gratitude for her contribution to the achievement of the Great Union of 1918. Right after that, the Castle came into a seven year restoration period under the guidance of the Royal Court architect, Carol Liman. He imagined the architectural ensemble as a summer residence. During the same period of time the Tea House was also built. During this restoration works, the Castle was supplied with running water from a 57 meters depth fountain dig up in a rock and lighted by a turbine electric power plant. Later, in 1932, the Bran, Simon and Moeciu villages were lighted on from this electric power plant. Then, in 1938, Queen Marie left with will the Bran Castle to Princess Ileana, who owned it until 1948.

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After King Mihai abdicated and the Royal House was expelled, the castle became the propriety of the state, being abandoned and devastated. Only in 1996 was it restored as a History and Medieval Art Museum. In 1987, the restoration process of the castle began and was finished in 1993. In 2006 the castle was retroceded to Dominic of Habsburg, Princess Ileana’s successor. In the winter of 2007, the new owner set it on sale. Due to the fact that the District Council of Brasov wanted to buy back the castle, the lawyers that were dealing with this transaction asked for the price of 60000 euro. After an investigation performed by a parliamentary commission, the conclusion drawn was that the retrocession of the castle to Dominic of Habsburg was not carried out obeying all the legal procedures.

In the end, Bran Castle has become officially Dominic of Habsburg’s propriety since 18th May 2009, when the lawyers of the Habsburg House and the leadership of the museum signed the proceedings that stipulate the fact that the castle belongs to Dominic. Being Queen Marie’s nephew and Princess Ileana’s son, Dominic of Habsburg acquired Bran Castle nearly after 6 decades, as his family was forced to leave the country by the Communist Regime. He was only 10 years when this happened.

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After the Minister of Culture and Cults has withdrawn most of the items from Bran Castle, these have been eventually replaced by furniture pieces that used to belong to the Habsburg family. The most valuable ones are The Crown, the Sceptre and a golden dagger and they all belonged to King Ferdinand. We might mention also a portrait of Princess Ileana with her signature upon it, a bed cover, several furniture items and a guest book that belonged to Queen Marie. The certain book was offered to her in 1920 by the community from Brasov and contains the impressions of all personalities from the country and abroad that had passed the threshold of the castle during nearly three decades.

According to an official of the Bran Castle administration, there will be made certain changes in the castle. A projection hall with the images of the National Film Archives about the history of the royal family and the castle will be arranged. Also, a room dedicated to the costumes of the royal families and a dining-room will be arranged. Further more, in the Round Tower of the castle a luxurious apartment will be made for the tourists that want to spend the night over Bran Castle. Also, the owners of the castle intend to restore Queen Marie’s Tea House which is situated in the enclosure of the Bran domain. It is desired that the Tea House to be a public attraction.

There is one chamber in the castle dedicated to Bram Stoker, where the legend of Vlad Tepes (known also under the name of Vlad Dracul) and the myth of Dracula are presented.

In the court of the Castle there is a village museum presenting the life of the peasants in the area, the work and customs from the Rucar – Bran area. The Bran Castle is the destination preferred by American and British tourists for Halloween.

A new tourist attraction offered by the new owners is represented by the 10410 bottles of Merlot de Dealu Mare, known under the name of “Chateau Bran” since 2007. A bottle costs 45 lei. There are also1377 bottles of Cabernet Sauvignon (a bottle of this kind costs 160 lei and it is “ennobled” with the words:” Reserve de l’Archiduc” and “Dominic” signature”. Both types of wine will be commercialized only at Bran Castle, under the name of “Chateau Bran”.

The American magazine “Forbes” has placed Bran Castle on the 2nd position among the most expensive estates in the world, being estimated at 140 million dollars.

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The writer Bram Stoker, who published in 1897, in London, the novel “Dracula, the vampire from Carpati” is the one who created the fame of the Castle associated with Dracula. Literary critics consider the book as being mediocre, but it had a great impact upon the readers, as six editions were printed before 1903. Otherwise, Stoker does not determine exactly the place of the castle in his novel, but some historians state that it was in the Bargau Area, on the mountain pass between Transylvania and Moldavia. Anyway, it is certain that, because of this novel and of the film versions of the novel, it was created an indestructible connection between Dracula, the Bran Castle and Transylvania.castel1

In fact, the legend of the bloody count called Dracula was not associated with Vlad Tepes (Vlad the Impaler) until the 19th – 20th century. This superposition of images is due to the fact that the Romanian ruler was known as pitiless with those who did not obey him or who broke the laws, and the most frequent punishment was the impalement. Another explanation of the name, Dracula, could be represented by the fact that in 1431 Sigismund of Luxembourg invested Vlad II, Tepes’ father, with the Order of the Dragon, a chivalric order dedicated to the wars against the Turks, and whose emblem was a dragon, commonly associated with the symbol of devil. It seems that this is the reason why Vlad Tepes was called Vlad Dracula. Otherwise, the Bran Castle is not the only touristic point connected with this legend. Another place mentioned when speaking about Dracula is Snagov Monastery.

Stay connected! 😀


Surse: http://www.romanianmonasteries.org/romania/bran-castle

Vizitati Romania, orasul Brasov


Orasul Brasov (Kronstadt in Gemana/ Brassó in MaghiaraCorona in latina) este situat in centrul tarii, in depresiunea Brasovului, la o altitudine medie de 625 Km in curbura interna a Carpatiilor. Orasul fiind situat in centrul tarii, fiind un important punct de plecare pentru turistii din tara si din strainatate. De aici turistii pot face excursii la Marea Neagra, Bucovina ,Maramures, pe muntii din lantul Carpatic, Tara Hategului.


Orasul Brasov este unul dintre cele mai frumoase orase din Romania,vi-l recomand,foarte multi dintre voi ati auzit cu siguranta de el,de povestile lui Dracula,Vlad Tepes,Castelul Bran,Transilvania.

Mijloace de transport

Se ajunge foarte simplu aici, daca calatoriti cu avionul de la Bucuresti aveti la dispozitie urmatoarele optiuni: cu trenul, Buss, Maxi-Taxi sau folositi serviciul de rent a car din aeroportul Bucuresti, durata calatoriei fiind de aproximativ 3 ore, deasemenea exista optiunea de cazare in Bucuresti pentru o noapte inainte de a porni la drum.


Odata ajunsi in minunatul oras Brasov, turistii se pot caza foarte usor, orasul dispune de suficiente unitati de cazare: hoteluri (12),pensiuni (38),hostel (2),vile (6),case de vacanta(7),moteluri(1), complexe turistice(1).

Daca doriti sa va cazati langa centrul istoric al Brasovului recomand turistiilor cateva unitati de cazare dragute:

Hotel Ambient de 4 stele din Brasov,Brasov

situat pe bulevardul Iuliu Maniu 27 ,situat  la cateva minute de monumentele istorice si de centrul orasului, acest hotel dispune de : receptie 24/24, bar,camera de bagaje,lift,camera de nefumatori,restaurant, terasa,seif, camere pentru familii, camere facilitati pentru persoane cu handicap, aer conditionat .Recomand acest hotel turistiilor din propria mea experienta pe care am avut-o ,cu niste prieteni veniti din Germania pentru a vizita orasul, i-am ajutat sa se cazeze la acest  hotel si au ramas placuti impresionati de serviciile acestui hotel.

Recomand Casa Wagner de 3 stele, situata in inima orasului Brasov, chiar in Piata Sfatului cu o vedere superba la minunata Biserica Neagra si muntele Tampa, dispune de:

receptie 24/24, bar, camere pentru familii,camere nefumatori,zona pentru nefumatori, incalzire.

Recomand turistiilor aceste  unitati de cazare din orasul Brasov.


Daca vi se face foame,si doriti sa savurati mancaruri traditionale romanesti, orasul Brasov dispune de restaurante renumite, in centrul orasului se intalnesc cu aproximatie 10 restaurante ,de exemplu Restaurantul Crama Cerbul Carpatin situat in centrul Brasovului, Piata Sfatului nr.12, aici se pot servii preparate culinare traditionale romanesti care pot fii stropite cu vinuri,foarte bune din podgorii alese. Restaurantul Bella Muzica situat in centru, Piata Sfatului nr. 19 ,restaurant cu specific mexican si unguresc.

Restaurant Mado, situat pe str. Republicii nr.10.

Obiective turistice

Dupa o masa, este bine venita o plimbare in inima orasului, pot fi vizitate atractiile turistice : Biserica Neagra, Bastionul Tesatorilor, Cetatea Brasov, Turnul Alb,Turnul Negru,Casa Hirscher, Biserica Sf. Nicolae, Prima Scoala Romaneasca,Muzeul de Arta, Poarta Schei, Poarta Ecaterinei, Muzeul de Istorie.


Daca doriti sa faceti o plimbare cu masina si nu dispuneti de ea, puteti inchiria foarte simplu de la o agentie de inchiriere, recomand EuroCars Rent a Car Brasov, agentia ofera livrarea autoturismului gratis pe toata raza judetului Brasov .

Daca nu dispuneti de permis de conducere, sau daca nu doriti sa conduceti dumneavoastra autoturismul inchiriat, masina poate fii inchiriata cu sofer.

Cu masina va puteti deplasa pana in statiunile montane, turistice Poaiana Brasov, Predeal, Cheia,Bran Rasnov,  Sinaia,  Bran, Cheile Gradistei, Moieciu, situate la o distanta cuprinsa 30-50 km fata de Brasov. Pe timp de iarna in statiunile montane se pot practica sporturile de iarna, statiuniile sunt dotate cu partii si instalatii pe cablu de inalta calitate. Drumurile sunt in stare buna,au fost renovate si asfaltate recent.

Circulatia pe timp de noapte este tentanta deoarece noaptea traficul este mai lejer, nu este aglomerat, iar daca se circula pe timpul verii temperaturile sunt mult mai placute noaptea si consumul de combustibil este mai redus. Trebuie respectate semnele de circulatie care va indruma, nu trebuie evitate. Daca circulati iarna ,nu uitati sa aveti masina echipata corespunzator deoarece in aceasta zona montana iernile sunt grele, cu ninsori abundente,viscor si ger.

Cu toate cele spuse mai sus, eu va recomand sa vizitati orasul Brasov, un oras minunat ,veti ramane cu o amintire de neuitat. Poate fi vizitat in orice anotimp, deoarece in Brasov fiecare anotimp isi are farmecul lui.