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In pasi de toamna

Cum a inceput toamna voastra?

Mie una, imi place toamna…mai ales cum natura jongleaza cu culorile rosii-bungundii, galben-miere, portocaliu, verde crud cu nuantele de maro…hm…o incantare. Si e foarte palcut cand soarele mai trimite ceva raze caldute si toate aceste culori se transforma atat de frumos in ochii nostri…si parca pe unde , imi place si mai tare ca usor-usor, incepe sa miroasa a Christmas…iar asta pentru mine  deja ciresica…:D


Astazi o sa vorbesc un pic de Atra-Doftana…o pensiune altfel, situata intr-un decor care imbie la meditatie, la reintoarcerea la natura. Da, este o oaza de liniste si-ti linisteti reierul doar priving cerul, apa sau padurea.


Atra este situata lang lacul Paltinul cu vedere la lac. Felul in care este construita este unul aparte si are un fel unic de prezentare. Camerele sunt foarte calduroase, numai bine de vremea asta, cu geamuri largi sa poti cuprinde cu privirea cat mai mult din ce peisaj ti se revarsa in fata ochilor, parcarea  undeva deasupra camerelor…asta m-a dezorientat un pic, dar este perfect in ordine. Iar mancarea un deliciu!


Se ajunge pe un drum forestier si-ti amintesti ca esti in Romania si te gandesti sa nu-ti rupi masina 😀

Insa…eu am fost captivata de drum…la culorile toamnei, am pastrat fiecare privire si am contemplat natura in frumusetea ei fara sa-mi pese ca e drum greu si cu trepidatii…Ce-i funny, e ca am ramas in cap cu o melodie ce mi-a acompaniat drumul la intoarcere: Roxette, Mill and Toast and Honey….parca se potrivea cu decorul…cel putin, asa era in mintea mea…

Oare ce parfum am putea purta in acest context? Cine se baga?

Eu sunt o impatimita a parfumurilor si cred ca fiecare eveniment, intamplare, senzatie, traire trebuie sa miroasa cumva, e marcata de prezenta unui parfum…..iar aceasta excapada, la mine a mirosit a Allure Sensuelle -Chanel.

Va recomand Atra pentru o escapada, fara prea multa conexiune cu exteriorul, cu biroul, etc…doar sa fii acolo si sa-ti petreci fiecare moment cu tine, sa fii prezent in acel cadru si atat!

M-as intoarce strict pentru linistea care mi-o poate oferi, daca nu ti-o gasesti in alta parte. M-as intoarce pentru relaxare, pentru peisaj, ambient si cadrul deosebit…toti acesti factori fiind esentiali in aceasta ecuatie daca iti vei dori o excursie reusita.

Incercati! Nu doare!

Surse: pozele sunt luate de pe site-ul Atra Doftana: www.atradoftana.ro

Stay connected! 😀


Caldura mare, monser!

Hello, prieteni!

Caldura mare, monser! Caldura mare! Asta daca il parafrazam pe al nostru Caragiale..

Pai, ce face lumea cand temperaturile ating cote inalte si greu de digerat? Se incearca marea racorire, zic eu…cu mai multe variante , in functie de posibilitati: ori o piscina/mare, dupa caz, fuga la munte, interioare cu aer conditionat, hidratare maxima, palarioare, crema cu SPF…

Si ca veni vorba de piscine, i-a sa vedem ce optiuni avem la acest capitol. Stiti ca la Capitala, se merge la piscina si pentru vazul lumii, nu? Tre sa fii cu costumul al bun, sa ai atitudine, si palarie cu boruri largi,(asta pentru fete), iar pentru baieti, specificam patraticile lucrate de prin iarna, asa ca…:D


Facem un top 5 al piscinelor cool din Bucuresti. Pozitiile sunt aleatorii.

1.La Plage Club & Buddha Bar

la plage

Un Complexul dotat cu o plajă cu palmieri exotici, nisip fin, baldachine, parasolare, umbreluţe, restaurant şi club. Este situat la intrarea in Bucuresti, Otopeni si e o locatie exclusivista, asta daca va doriti ceva chill, relaxare, si fara aglomeratie.


2. BluberryPool- Ambasad’or

Situata tot in Otopeni, poate asigura comfortul si distractia a 300 doritori, care deasemnea, cauta si deosebitul si luxury moments. Piscina, care este de fapt, un bazon semiolimpic, se compune din sezlonguri din ratan, 2 jacuzzi pentru rasfaţul suprem al invitaţilor, 4 baldachine cu draperii din damasc cat si zona VIP, cu canapele din piele si candelabre, hamacuri care dau un aer exotic imbinat cu  bauturi fine, vor defini o zi senzationala.



3. Aqua by Pescariu Sports & SPA

Una dintre cele mai frumoasa piscine exterioare, situata langa lacul Floreasca.

Un loc, asa cum il defineste si titlu, care imbina utilul cu placutul intr-un decor exceptional. Poti alege sa faci sport, de ex. sa joci tenis, înot, aerobic, cycling, squash, fitness, fotbal si la final sa te rasfeti cu un masaj.


4. Bamboo Pool

Situata pe malul Lacului Tei, este un loc frumos, cu verdeata, arhitectura ce-ti incanta ochii, merita sa o vizitati si sa petreceti timp pretios la o sueta.


5. Aqua del Mar. Domeniul Saftica

Piscina “Aqua del Mar” are trei cercuri cu facilităţi diferite: primul cerc cu o adâncime de 80 cm şi o canapea în apă în care te poţi relaxa, al 2lea cerc cu o adâncime de 150 cm si cel de-al treilea cerc cu o adâncime de la 150 cm la 180 cm .

Piscina Aqua del Mar face parte din Domeniul Saftica, aflat la 10km de Bucuresti si este un complex ce se intinde pe o suprafata foarte mare si include toate facilitatile: salon pentru evenimente, spatii de cazare, parcare.


Cam acesta ar fi topul nostru, bineinteles ca se vrea unul subiectiv, alcatuit din pura parere si nu reprezinta nicio clasament oficial.

Noi va dorim balaceala placuta!

Stay connected!:D


Getaway weekend – Peles Castle, Sinaia

Located in Sinaia (44 km from Brasov), Peles Castle is considered by many one of the most beautiful castles in all Europe.




The building of the castle began in 1873 under the direct order of the Viennese architect Wilhem Dodererand was continued in 1876 by his assistant, Johann Schultz de Lemberg. During 1877-1879 because of the war they abandoned work. That’s why the castle was inaugurated only on October 7, 1883. The location for the castle was chosen by the German prince Carol I de Hohenzollern, who was to become a king and it draws its name from the neighboring brooks which passes through the courtyard.

Several other buildings, annexed to the castle, were built simultaneously: The Guard’s Chambers, The Economat Building, The Foisor Hunting House, The Royal Stables, and the Electrical Power Plant. The Sipot Villa was constructed later. This would serve as the work site of architect Karel Liman. Liman would later supervise the building of Pelisor (1889-1903, the future residence of King Ferdinand and Queen Mary of Romania). as well as of the King’s Ferdinand Vila in the Royal Sheepfold Meadow

The castle was built in wood, stone, bricks and marble and comprises more than 160 rooms. The representative style used is German Renaissance, but one can easily discover elements belonging to the Italian Renaissance, Gothic, German Baroque and French Rococo style.

pel5 pel4

Peles is surrounded by seven terraces decorated with statues (sculptured by the Italian, Romanelli), stone-made-wells, ornamental vases and Carara marble. The architects used an abundance of wooden decoration, both for the exterior and for the interior of the castle, which confers a very special quality to the building.

Quite outstanding are the Big Armory Room, the small Armory Room, the Florentine Room, the Reception Room (where paintings and wooden sculptures depicting 16 castles of the Hohenzollerns are exhibited), the Moresque Room, The French Room, the Turkish Room, the Council Room, the Concert Room as well as the Imperial Suite.



Other exquisite attractions such as the statues, the ceramics, the gold and silver plates, the Meissen and Sevres porcelain, the Murano crystal chandeliers, German stained-glass windows, walls covered with Cordoba leather, ebony and ivory sculptures, as well as the extensive weapon collections are worth mentioning. It is also important to know that Peles Castle shelters one of the most important and most valuable painting collections in Europe, almost 2.000 pieces.

Almost adjacent to Peles Castle is Pelisor (“Little Peles”). King Ferdinand, who succeeded Carol I, intended to use Peles Castle as a summer residence. Supposedly he found Peles too big and overwhelming, so he commissioned the smaller, art-nouveau style, Pelisor Castle. Pelisor’s 70 rooms feature a unique collection of turn-of-the century Viennese furniture and Tiffany and Lalique glassware.

The Royal library attracts especially those who are keen on rare books, with leather covers engraved with golden letters. There is an attraction point even for those who are not familiar with the universe of books, namely the secret door, a way of access behind a book shelf through which the king could becalm in various rooms of the Castle.

The armouries, arranged between 1903 and 1906, shelter more than 4000 European and Eastern pieces from the 14th and 17 centuries. The most valuable are considered to be the German armours from the 16th and 17th centuries and a complete armour for horse and knight, unique in Romania.

The Music Room became a musical soirée salon at Queen Elisabeth’s wish. The furniture from this room was a gift from the Maharajah of Kapurthala.

The Florentine Room, also called the Great Salon, impresses with its ceiling sculptured out of linden trees, gilded, with two great chandeliers, and its ornaments in the Italian neo-renaissance style.

Maura Salon is the work of architect Charles Lecompte de Nouy, having Spanish-Moorish elements and an indoor Carrara marble fountain, replica of a similar piece in Cairo.

The Playhouse has 60 seats and a royal box, being decorated in Louis XIV style.


Near Peles castle there is Foisor, a kings’ residence with 42 rooms designed in the Swiss style.


How to get there?

Castelul Peles (the Peles Castle) is located in Sinaia (44 kilometers far from Brasov and 122 kilometers far from Bucharest), and one can choose between the European road E60 and the national road DN1. In what concerns the railway, there are many trains that go from Ploiesti to the Valea Prahovei (Prahova Valley), and Sinaia Resort is one of the destinations.

Stay connected! 😀


Surse: http://www.romanianmonasteries.org
